Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Rococo Revival Wallpaper

This is my latest collection inspired by the period style Rococo.
I wanted to create a revamped style by using bright colours, foils, and collage.

Creating my bespoke piece was really interesting and was nice piecing it together, and seeing it develop into a really interesting piece of wallpaper.

Rococo on the roll.

My final presentation in my bay. Very Pleased =]

Saturday, 7 May 2011

April Showers...

The weather has been beautiful lately, and its made me want to get out and about doing different things and visiting different places.
Firstly a visit to the crematorium to visit my Nana Webster, who was my biggest inspiration. She taught me to draw when i was six years old, without her i don't know where i would be.

Then off to see Granddad Webster, my Granddad Ray. He is obsessed with looking for different thimbles for me, this one is his latest find, a poppy wreath, which on the back reads they shall never be forgotten. I think i have close to 30 thimbles now, and he shows no sign of stopping!

An hour in my Mam's Garden, appreciating the blossom while it lasts.

A trip to Edinburgh. Nothing like a weekend in a Wig Wam.
Shame it rained all day everyday, but it got out nice at 7pm!